Laparoscopic Surgery

Laparoscopic Surgery


Know What to Expect

  • One of 2-3 tiny incisions, at the naval and top of the pubic hairline, will be the point of entry for the laparoscope, a fiber-optic tube that Dr. Vandermolen will manipulate to get a comprehensive view of the pelvic cavity, including the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes.
  • Surgical gas inflates the abdomen, giving your reproductive surgeon a better view of surgical site.
  • While performing diagnostic surgery, Dr. Vandermolen can correct tubal abnormalities or endometriosis, without the need for scheduling additional procedures.*
  • After closing the small incisions, you will recover and likely return home the same day.
  • Expect to return to work 2-3 days after fertility surgery.

Weigh the Benefits of Laparoscopic Fertility Surgery

Open surgery has been replaced by laparoscopic surgery in many instances. Reproductive surgeon Dr. Vandermolen has performed several hundreds of laparoscopic day surgeries, and reassures patients that, compared with open surgery, they can expect:

  • Less pain (smaller incisions)
  • Decreased blood loss
  • Minimal tissue damage
  • Faster recovery
  • No hospital stay (lowering the cost of treatment)

Applications for Laparoscopic Fertility

Dr. Vandermolen will likely discuss fertility surgery with you if one of these causes of female infertility exists

  • Endometriosis
  • Tubal damage or previous tubal ligation
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Fibroids that may interfere with fertility

Contact us about the minimally invasive options available at our Northwest Louisiana fertility clinic.

Surgical Treatment