Our Northern Louisiana fertility center can help patients seeking tubal ligation reversal
For women who don’t want more children, options like tubal ligation can allow them to prevent future pregnancies. Most women who get their “tubes tied” feel confident about their choice. However, situations can change, and some patients who have this procedure may later decide they want to have another baby. When this happens, David T. Vandermolen MD can help by offering tubal ligation reversal.
What is tubal ligation reversal?
When a patient changes her mind about having her tubes tied, she may decide to explore sterilization reversal. During the tubal ligation procedure, the doctor will cut, block or tie the fallopian tubes to permanently prevent pregnancy by keeping the egg and sperm from ever meeting. With a reversal, Dr. Vandermolen will attempt to surgically reconnect each tube at the site of the prior tubal ligation.
Not all patients who have had a tubal ligation are good candidates for a tubal ligation reversal. Our Northern Louisiana fertility center will ask about your specific situation, how the tubal ligation was performed and if there are health conditions that could create scarring. The answers to these questions help determine whether tubal ligation reversal is feasible.
Generally, the best candidates for a sterilization reversal are women under 40, those who had their tubes closed with rings or clips, and those whose partners have normal semen analysis.
How does the reversal process work?
Before the procedure, Dr. Vandermolen will order a complete fertility work-up for the woman and her partner. He may want a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) to evaluate the fallopian tubes. During the tubal ligation reversal, Dr. Vandermolen will use visual magnification while preparing the previously cut and blocked tubal sites. Then, he will reconnect the tubes using small stitches. This all occurs during an outpatient procedure.
Are there alternatives to sterilization reversal?
For some patients, both tubal ligation reversal and IVF are reasonable options for conception. However, for those with excess tubal removal or damage at sterilization, decreased ovarian reserve and/or an abnormal semen analysis, IVF is a better option. In these cases, or if the tubal reversal is unsuccessful, IVF is done.
With IVF, we combine the eggs and sperm in a laboratory setting. Our embryologists evaluate the resulting embryos to select the best quality ones for transfer.
With more than 30 years of experience, Dr. Vandermolen can provide the advanced care our patients need. If you would like to explore sterilization removal, we can help. Contact us to schedule an appointment at our Northern Louisiana fertility center.