Infertility Testing

Targeted infertility testing leads to success

Dr. David T. Vandermolen and ArkLaTex Fertility and Reproductive Medicine understand how important it is for you to have and hold a child of your own.

Before we recommend treatment, we need a complete picture of your health in order to understand the particular issues you face. Dr. Vandermolen and the ArkLaTex Fertility treatment team will meet with you and begin an initial health workup. It’s important that we get to the root cause or causes of why our patients are unable to have a child, whether the problem is male infertility, female infertility or both.

The different types of infertility testing

There are a number of tests associated with infertility and its treatment. At ArkLaTex Fertility, we recommend one or more of the following studies

Hormone studies can be performed via blood tests. At specific times during the menstrual cycle, a blood test can allow us to measure hormone levels, ovarian reserve and whether or not ovulation occurred.

Semen analysis and andrology testing provide accurate diagnoses of male infertility, enabling the ArkLaTex Fertility team to recommend the proper course of treatment or further urology evaluation.

A pelvic ultrasound 2D and/or 3D, allows Dr. Vandermolen to examine the ovaries and uterus and determine if there are any uterine abnormalities that could affect implantation or pregnancy. It is also a method for assessing ovarian activity, reserve and ruling out cases of moderate or severe deep ovarian endometriosis.

A hysterosalpingogram test is given to determine structural abnormalities of the uterus and fallopian tubes. Uterine abnormalities can affect implantation and pregnancy, and tubal patency is required for natural conception to occur. Local anesthetic is used and oral analgesia is routinely offered for comfort.

A saline sonogram, 2D and/or 3D, is a diagnostic test for a uterine cavity evaluation, and can rule out the existence of any uterine abnormalities.

A diagnostic laparoscopy enables Dr. Vandermolen to identify scar tissue, adhesions, endometriosis and fibroids, and usually treat them at the same time.

Start on the path to parenthood

Most testing, including semen analysis and blood tests, cause little to no discomfort. Fertility tests such as a hysterosalpingogram or a laparoscopy may cause discomfort, and in those cases, local analgesia, moderate or high dose oral analgesia, or general anesthesia is administered.

Please contact our fertility specialists at ArkLaTex Fertility to discuss your situation and determine if fertility testing may be appropriate for you or your partner.